Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Madagascar Premier..

I love getting calls from Paramount.. cause it usually means a Premier is coming up!

On Tues it was the Irish Premier for the new Madagascar flick. I was a bit iffy about going cause i thought it was just gonna be a kids film and I'd look like a wierdo there with no kids so i kidnapped my friends 3 little nippers to fit in with the crowd!
My planned worked perfectly, I was like a cameleon... 

The movie is brilliant with loads of visual comedy for the young ones and lots and lots of one liners for the adults in the audience!
Well worth a watch.. I'd recommend borrowing a kid to bring, a relative or friends child. Obviously get the parents permission, the last thing i need is to be up in court with some fruit loop trying to blame me, saying i said it was OK for them kidnap someone's child!

Go see it & let me know what you thought..

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