Monday, December 29, 2008

New Studio...

Some pics from the new studio... this is just to answer the phones!
ha ha ha!!
Its pretty slick tho isnt it!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

ha ha ha!

We all love hottub parties but this is taking it a bit too far..
38 people in ONE hottub!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas eve...

So there we have it. the one night of the year you head back down to the pub you haven't drank in since last Christmas eve to see the lads you haven't seen since last year either..

What a great night i had tonight, the perfect mix between beer (always drink responsibly) and old friends.. we laughed & joked as if we were 15 again. 
Then it was home to rob some of my granny's famous cooked ham for a late night sambo and yes... it was amazing!
Roll on the Christmas dinner!
Merry Christmas guys...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Christmas Jumper..

After arriving into work one night and seeing Jeremy (from the phoneshow) in his Christmas Jumper i knew i had to get into the festive spirit, so I picked up a jumper with a Christmas Tree on it then got out the needle & thread and went to town!
I searched high & low for stuff to sow on, even an old key-ring my mom got me of a taxi from New York made it on there, along with a Miraculous medal my granny gave me and a pin my Dad got when he represented Ireland in tennis last summer.
Oh and lets not forget the 97million bells too.. I sound like Santa's Sleigh when I'm walking down the street.
(ring ring ring)

Ho ho ho... 
Have a great Christmas guys,

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The New 02..

Some pics of the new O2:Dublin

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Simpsons

Check this pic out...

You could spend ages looking at it...well, i could anyway!


Monday, December 1, 2008

Belfast or bust!

Last w/end i decided to pop up north to my beautiful girlfriend in Belfast.. She usually makes the trip down every Fri after work so this week i thought I'd do the honors!

She gave me the grand tour (didnt take us long!) Belfast is tiny! I thought it was gonna be much bigger. The really cool thing about the trip (apart from being with my girlfriend obviously) I got to visit the H&W 
Ship Yard.. where they built the unsinkable TITANIC...which sank!

Check out how gay buses in Belfast are...they're PINK!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Razorlight @ The Olympia

Hi-fi 2006 I saw some amazing acts, The streets, The Prodigy & Ian Brown, but my favorite act of the weekend was definitly Razorlight so when they announced a Dublin date in The Olympia i knew i had to go..even if it meant selling my body! Thankfully it didnt come to that as Suzanne Kane (Sat night download chart) had a connection with the tour manager. 
We arrive at the gig not realizing he'd
 sorted us out with our own box!
You can see from my pics our seats were unreal!!!
The crowd were brilliant too, singing along to every song which made the gig even better. One guy in particular was lovin it.. I'm convinced he wanted to have a love child with Johnny (the lead singer). Ha!

At one stage some girl from the front row threw up a perl bracelet (i'm
 guessing it was fake!) and Johnny took it and wore it for the rest of the gig, i could see the girl who threw it. She wet her pants!
At the end of the show when they came back on for their encore some little scumbag snook up to one of the boxes beside the stage and threw a pint down at Johnny, the whole crowd boo'd your man and from what the security guy told me afterwards he got what he deserved! ha!

Razorlight's new album 'Slipway Fires' is out now.. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Madagascar Premier..

I love getting calls from Paramount.. cause it usually means a Premier is coming up!

On Tues it was the Irish Premier for the new Madagascar flick. I was a bit iffy about going cause i thought it was just gonna be a kids film and I'd look like a wierdo there with no kids so i kidnapped my friends 3 little nippers to fit in with the crowd!
My planned worked perfectly, I was like a cameleon... 

The movie is brilliant with loads of visual comedy for the young ones and lots and lots of one liners for the adults in the audience!
Well worth a watch.. I'd recommend borrowing a kid to bring, a relative or friends child. Obviously get the parents permission, the last thing i need is to be up in court with some fruit loop trying to blame me, saying i said it was OK for them kidnap someone's child!

Go see it & let me know what you thought..

Monday, November 24, 2008

FM104's Christmas Party

Where to start!
I've worked in a few different places in my time but never have i been involved with a company that put so much effort into the Chrimbo bash. 
We were collected from the station at midday on Saturday, everyone climbed aboard the Party bus! The plan was to head down to Galway and stay in the Raddisson SAS Hotel... all paid for!!

On the bus the guys from production put together a CD of impressions, bloopers and Christmas music. It was so funny.. no1 got away from the abuse (yes even me!)

We arrived at the hotel just around 5pm (after a stop off in athlone for a bite to eat & some liquid refreshments!) ha! With a couple of hours to kill before the meal i decided to hit the outdoor hot-tub on the balcony to relax before the craziness began!

I wont go into any detail about the night.. as everyone at the station took the sacred oath 'what happens on tour, stays on tour!' ha!
but these photos say more than i ever could! 

(pictured: yours truely,Brenard the sports guy a giant ice Gun!!)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Feeder @ The Ambassador

Sleeping blissfully on thurs afternoon my phone goes off.. 
Its Suzanne Kane (Sat night download chart) she's got guestlist passes for Feeder at the Ambassador.. Wanna go? YEAH!
Went to the gig, turns out Suzanne knows the band (dark horse!). 
Found this out half way through the gig when Mark (the drummer) nods up at us on the balcony. I'm thinking, why the hell is the drummer waving at me! then i realise, its not me he's waving at at all! Its Suzanne!
The gig was rocking and we ended up hanging out with the lads afterwards!!                          

They were such cool guys. especially the drummer Mark, such a sound bloke! 
Feeder have been knocking around for years churning out quality rocky/pop tunes like 'Buck Rogers' 'Just The Way I'm feeling' and 'Tumble & Fall'. 
They even let the fans take over the music video for 'Just A Day'. Asking them to record themselves singing the song and edited the best ones together! 
Quality vid, check it out on youtube. . 

Feeder's latest album 'Silent Cry' is now available in all good record stores and some crap ones too.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sorry bro..

Just logged on to to use some of my 250 free txts to txt my bro in Austrailia and ...its under going renovation until 6am.. basically the exact same lenght of time i'm in work!

thanks O2!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday Night Tv!

Monday nights are sorted for the next while.. 

I'm a celeb followed by the  Apprentice. . Quality!
Did you see it tonight, Joe(Eastenders Actor) & Nicola,fiance to footballer Tom Williams (does that really qualify as a 'celebrity') anyway, they went head to head in the 'I Scream Van' bush tucker trail. So funny!!
Joe gagging on a croc's meat & two veg! Horrible. . . . but brilliant Tv!

In the apprentice the two teams had sat-navs to sell. they did so so so bad!
One of the teams made €175 profit the other team only made €32 profit! I reckon i could have done better!!!
Poor old Sarah heard those famous words... YOUR FIRED!

Friday, November 14, 2008