Sleeping blissfully on thurs afternoon my phone goes off..
Its Suzanne Kane (Sat night download chart) she's got guestlist passes for Feeder at the Ambassador.. Wanna go? YEAH!
Went to the gig, turns out Suzanne knows the band (dark horse!).
Found this out half way through the gig when Mark (the drummer) nods up at us on the balcony. I'm thinking, why the hell is the drummer waving at me! then i realise, its not me he's waving at at all! Its Suzanne!
The gig was rocking and we ended up hanging out with the lads afterwards!!
They were such cool guys. especially the drummer Mark, such a sound bloke!
Feeder have been knocking around for years churning out quality rocky/pop tunes like 'Buck Rogers' 'Just The Way I'm feeling' and 'Tumble & Fall'.
They even let the fans take over the music video for 'Just A Day'. Asking them to record themselves singing the song and edited the best ones together!
Quality vid, check it out on youtube. .
Feeder's latest album 'Silent Cry' is now available in all good record stores and some crap ones too.