Aelita curently lives in Melbourne, Australia with her mother Nikka and her father Michael.
Apart from her love of painting she enjoys gym and crafts, tinkering on the piano and singing. She loves to watch “Baby Einstein”, “French for Kids” and “Hi 5” as well as documentaries about the cosmos and animals.
She loves chocolate and baby-chino’s.
Thats a quote taken from her website (click here to check it out). I love how they say 'she tinkers on the piano loves documentaries and in the same breath says oh and she watches "Hi 5". (Which if you dont know its an Oz kids show)
how do they know she loves watching documentaries? does she have it on her facebook? SHE'S TWO YEARS OLD!!!!
Of course she's an abstract artist... every 2 year old is an abstract artist cause they cant even draw a house yet!